Hayden needs a penile transplant... Calling Vicky Belo...

Tim Yap is tiny but he also has 'micro nuts', at least Hayden has some balls!

Yes, that's right....their dicks don't even touch the sides.....
Poor Tim.
Poor Hayden.
No matter how much money or fame they have ...
No matter how many people they exploit for their own needs.....
No matter how much fame or notoriety they achieve from their exploits....
They will always have small dicks and small brains.
And I mean, Tiny Tim's is super small!
Like a tiny little mushroom cap sitting on a really old brillo pad.
For the record, Hayden is much bigger than Tim.
Much bigger, and that ain't saying much for Tim because Hayden is small too!
Keep it UP boys!
from my facebook-
What do Tiny Tim and Tiny Kho have in common?
Girard R. Carbonell, Anna Picar, Myke Siriban and 5 others like this.
disgusting. lols