Thursday, June 16, 2011

Busted Coverage: Booze, Ladies And Football: “ESPN’s Michelle Beadle Talking Porn With Regis [Video]” plus 9 more

Busted Coverage: Booze, Ladies And Football: “ESPN’s Michelle Beadle Talking Porn With Regis [Video]” plus 9 more

Link to Busted Coverage

ESPN’s Michelle Beadle Talking Porn With Regis [Video]

Posted: 16 Jun 2011 07:57 AM PDT

Here is our morning routine. Up by 6-6:30. Check the email. Throw on the news, which is followed by Good Morning America, which is followed by Regis and Kelly. Why no ESPN? Because that can be switched on at Noon and we’ll get the same news from 8:30 a.m. Anyway, Kelly Ripa is on vacation so Michelle Beadle sat in with Regis today. The highlights? Regis bringing up porn talk with Beadle, who went total trooper on him and made this video so much fun.

Posted: by MockSession like 40 minutes ago. Guy has a trigger finger.

Premise of Video: Regis doesn’t really know who this Michelle Beadle chick is, but he has porn on the mind today. Small talk turns to if Michelle looks at Internet porn. Um, awkward! BEADLE…YOU LOOK AT PORN? ANSWER ME!

Climax of Video: “and I suppose you check out the porn?”

Conclusion: Watch the video. Beadle plays along and doesn’t give the “I’m not going to talk about such disgusting conversation,” answer. That’s why we love her.

Filed under: Video

UPDATED: Mark Cuban Includes Fat Male Dancers In Mavs Parade Today [Photos]

Posted: 16 Jun 2011 07:05 AM PDT

The people are starting to line the parade route in Dallas this morning for the Dallas Mavericks attempt to regain some thunder after Vancouver Canucks fan one-upped Sunday’s Club LIV performance. But, Mark Cuban ain’t going down without a fight. He’s even bringing out the obese male dancers. We’re hearing that AT&T service is pretty much useless in downtown as an estimated 250,000 fans have gathered to cheer the Mavs for destroying ghetto basketball. Stay tuned. Gallery coming soon.

Filed under: Basketball

This Canucks Bro Knocked The $%#@ Out & Bros Being Popped [Cuff 'Em]

Posted: 16 Jun 2011 06:20 AM PDT

Must hand it to Vancouver Canucks hooligans, they sure know how to put their city on the world map with an old fashioned riot. Great job, people. You sure busted up that downtown Sears. But one specific idiot stood out to us. Pants on the Ground guy. If you lose your pants to a Vancouver cop and make the national news, you’re a riot bro. And what about those guys jumping off Port-O-Crappers like WWE top ropes. Brought tears to our eyes. Go ahead, idiots, destroy your country.

Check out this bro knocked the f#$k out!

Posted: Last night

Premise of Video: Fights. Rioting. Idiots going to the drunk tank. This was early action. The real fun got started once the white, early 20s idiots took aim on Sears and other downtown businesses. Canucks lose, time to get a free Craftsman drill!

Climax of Video: Watch the morons getting on TV while some dude lays there nearly dead. COOL!

Conclusion: Phillies fans are totally jealous that a Canadian city is stealing their thunder. Your move, Philly.

Filed under: Cuff 'Em

Epic Canucks Rioter; Whole Foods Rap & More Kate Upton [Daily Dump]

Posted: 16 Jun 2011 05:28 AM PDT

Want To Look At A 23-Year-Old Erin Andrews? [Morning Twitpic]

Posted: 16 Jun 2011 05:05 AM PDT

Erin Andrews seemed to be going through her old WebShots album last night and happened upon a 10-year-old photo of her and ESPN desk hostess Sage Steele that just had to be uploaded to Twitter. Folks, it’s rare to see any photos of Pageviews pre-ESPN so it gets the Morning Twitpic treatment. Big news here? Not much other than that is a 23-year-old Erin Andrews. How is it possible a gentlemen has yet to put a ring on that finger. Baffles us.

Erin writes some 8 hours ago:

Evening w/ @sagesteele & her beautiful abt us 10 yrs ago? She’s my mentor & rock after all these yrs

And more.

Besides being one the most genuine people in the industry, @sagesteele is like Roy Firestone in Jerry Maguire, she always makes me cry :)

From our research it seems EA and Sage, 38, crossed paths during the early 2000s as both were working the Tampa sports scene.

Just a little insight to get your ass moving this morning. You’re welcome.


Filed under: Features

Vancouver G8 Summit Presented By The NHL Doesn’t End Well [Burnt Toast]

Posted: 16 Jun 2011 04:19 AM PDT


The Greastest Tweets in the History of the Internet* (*In The Last 24 Hours)

WICKED SMAHT! Bruins 4 – Rioters 0

@TommyFrmQuinzee: Hey Vancoovah! Owah injahed playah is mo-ah inspahrational than yo-ah injahed playah!

Brilliant way to start the tweets for Game 7. Boston accents vs Canadian accents. It’s a sweep. Canucks can’t even come close.

@AlbertBreer: Just hit me … Know who Luongo reminds me of? Mike Vanderjagt. Seriously. #IdiotKicker

Pretty dead on. Vanderjagt was automatic for years, and then BAM out of nowhere, he couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn. Luongo was amazing at home, and sucked on the road, so he was pretty much like my ex. Not the best way for him to end the season.

@HiMyNameIsSeton: Don’t get me wrong, I love them, but does anyone else get tired of hearing the Dropkick Murphys anytime the city of Boston is mentioned?

No….In fact, “Shipping Up to Boston” should be the official theme song of the entire city. Hell, the entire state. If that song can’t get you pumped to rip someone’s head off, then you have zero pulse and/or testicles.

@WeeiSports: Did you know: Tonight marks the 1st full lunar eclipse since Oct. 27, 2004, the night the #RedSox ended their World Series drought. #VanBos

Here’s another crazy stat. On October 27, 2004 I had a bowel movement. Last night, I had a bowel movement. Yet another sign that the Bruins were destined to win.

@AdamRichman: I have a feeling this guy won’t be the starting goalie for very much Luongo.

Bravo……please remove you hand from the mouse, and provide this man an internet golf clap. Well deserved Sir.

Grand Theft Auto: Vancouver

@Mobute: So apparently with Canada the trade off is that you get universal healthcare, but a hockey loss turns downtown into Mogadishu.

Vancouver gave West Virginia a good run for their money last night. At what point does rioting seem like a good idea? The liquor stores closed at 4pm in Vancouver yesterday…..Are they smoking angry weed up there?

@TheSportsHernia: To the Vancouver Riot Police: May I recommend the Contra Spread gun?

Contra Spread Gun was damn solid. Not as good as the RPD with a grip from Call of Duty 4, but pretty close.

@Madcowheff: Who wins in a fight: David Stern or Gary Bettman?

Stern would be a -375 favorite in Vegas. Not only would Stern soundly defeat Bettman, but Bettman’s body would make Hoffa’s seem easy to find. Roger Goodell would win over all the major sports commish’s, and yes, Bud Selig would throw nothing but slaps.

Twitter Potpourri:

@TheSportsMole: BREAKING: Dallas Mavericks DeShawn Stevenson was arrested last night in Irving for public intoxication.

Which lead to this….@MRudolphComedy: Shocking mugshot of Deshawn Stevenson.

@TigerWoods: Last time I missed a USGA event Salt N Peppa was still cool and Whitehead was a toddler.

Ballsy by Eldrick to use the group that had a hit called “Let’s Talk About Sex”. With that said, Tiger taking to Twitter has done a ton for image rehab. Makes him seem real. I dig it.

@LarryFitzgerald: Sex w/ the A/C off RT @PNeckles: what would you suggest a working mother w/ little time to do for rapid weightloss?Est 20 to 30lbs to lose

Dammmmmmn Larry. That’s cold…..and so true. Don’t ever change.

@Andrew_B_Carter: #Dolphins RB Daniel Thomas “deeply saddened” his name was used w/out permission to promote a “Porn Star Exxxtravaganza” in Miami.

Considering I’ve never heard of Daniel Thomas, I guessing the Porn Star Exxxtravaganza in Miami wasn’t exactly Vivid A listers. I guessing it was mostly the cast of Amish Amputees 4: Abram’s Revenge


Drop Dead Gorgeous Up and Coming Sports Reporter Follow Of The Day


Filed under: Features

Falcons’ Man Of The Year Christopher Owens Bleaches Baby Mama’s Jewelry?

Posted: 15 Jun 2011 02:36 PM PDT

Not since closet crapper Najeh Davenport have we heard about a football player (allegedly) doing anything this crazy.

Atlanta Falcons cornerback Christopher Owens, a 2009 draft pick from San Jose State, is being investigated for trashing his ex-girlfriend and baby mama’s apartment. According to the police report, LaTia Terry returned home Monday morning to find holes in her walls and television, broken blinds, and a pile of clothes, purses, shoes and jewelry covered in bleach.

What’s even more disturbing is the crib and a lamp in Terry’s nine-month-old son’s room were also destroyed.

The destruction is estimated at $15,000.

Owens is a suspect because the police found no sign of forced entry and Terry stated the door was locked when she returned home. Terry has since filed a temporary protective order against Owens.

Owens, who has been a regular at the Falcons’ seven-on-seven practices, was not in attendance on Tuesday or Wednesday, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Ironically, the Falcons named Owens their 2010 Man of the Year, an award handed our for community service.

Owens had 40 tackles and one interception in 2010.

[Ex-girlfriend of Falcons' Owens files protective order after break-in]

Filed under: NFL

Miss USA is Gorgeous & Sexy Girls In Yoga Pants [Afternoon Dump]

Posted: 15 Jun 2011 02:30 PM PDT

NFL Logo On Porn, Hoochie Mama Lockout Party Flyers [Investigation]

Posted: 15 Jun 2011 01:26 PM PDT

So the NFL is plenty mad over a Chicago TV station’s investigation into the use of players wearing league uniforms while advertising Exxxotica Expo 2011, which as you can guess involved porn stars. This is the same league that won’t let bars advertise “Watch the Super Bowl here!” This is the same league that will destroy companies over copyright issues. Well, look what we found. How about the NFL logo itself splattered on a “Lockout Party” ad from this past weekend. And there’s more!

Being the Twitpic Investigators® that we are, BC has watched many similar ads featuring NFL players and hoochie mamas on flyers being passed around Twitter. Some of the posters are innocent. Some are covered with black ‘model’ chicks.

Take this Lockout Party flyer.


Your move, NFL. We just do the investigating.

“The NFL office works on behalf of the clubs to protect their intellectual property rights in matters such as this” said NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy after receiving a copy of an ad first disclosed by the ABC7 I-Team. The ad for last month’s Exxxotica Expo 2011 in Miami showed photos of five NFL players in their team uniforms. Among them was Bears safety Major Wright, a Miami native.

“Our legal team is reviewing the ad. In general, companies not affiliated with the NFL or its clubs may not depict a player in his uniform” said McCarthy.

In other words, the fun we used to have looking at party flyers and Googling the hoochies might be coming to an end. Sad day indeed.

[NFL looks into porn event ad featuring Chicago Bear]


Filed under: Football

Orel Hershiser: ESPN Totally Not A Frat House, More Like Library! [5 Questions]

Posted: 15 Jun 2011 11:44 AM PDT

We tried to get former Cy Young Award-winner Orel Hershiser to say something harsher than “gosh” or to call out notorious player-dating actress Alyssa Milano as a Baseball Annie with turf burn on her knees.

No luck. … Hershiser is very much the serious, professor-like analyst he seems to be on ESPN baseball telecasts. Think Sam The Eagle with a blazer meets Ken Burns after a haircut, perm and shave.

Later today, former all-star and World Series MVP (1988) Hershiser is coaching youngsters in the Subway restaurants' Little League Baseball Appreciation Game in Los Angeles. 

“It’s more of a game than it is a competition,”  Hershiser said via phone.

The exhibition game, held during National Little League Baseball Week, serves as the launch of the SUBWAY Baseball DeSIGNS tour, a traveling exhibit of kid-designed baseballs autographed by celebs like Katy Perry, Zac Efron, Blake Griffin, Ryan Howard and more, including Hershiser. (Go to for tour dates and pictures). Proceeds from the Subway tour and the eventual auction of the celebrity baseballs benefit the Little League Baseball Urban Initiative program.

“It keeps kids playing baseball who might not otherwise have a chance to stay with the game,” Hershiser said.

Suffice to say, we don’t expect any bench-clearing melees or sign-stealing in today’s game. Maybe Milton Bradley or Ozzie Guillen can coach next year in the Subway Lord of the Flies Appreciation Game?

You’ll be coaching against fellow former major league all-star and Dodger Shawn Green today. What types of strategies will you employ against his team?

You mean to win the game? Well, I think it’s more of a chance to celebrate the event and the spirit of the cause behind the game. I’ll be focused on allowing the kids to enjoy the day and feel like they are in the big leagues. Hopefully, they’ll get more out of the opportunity to learn from being coached by two ex-big leaguers, rather than trying to win.

Dodgers great Steve Garvey wants you in his potential buyers’ group should the Dodgers eventually be put up for sale. How do you view team ownership and, if yours isn’t the group that succeeds, who would make the best owner for the team: Mark Cuban, the Fox network or Alyssa Milano?

The team is not for sale. Obviously, Garv and I will be inextricably linked to the Dodgers for the rest of our lives, so I understand the speculation. …Mr. McCourt and the current ownership, they are doing everything they can to compete and meet the expectation of Dodgers fans and they will continue to do that. If the opportunity ever arose for me to be involved with the team’s ownership, I’d certainly be interested, but until then, it’s speculative.

You played on both the Dodgers and the Giants, a baseball rivalry which received the worst kind of attention with the attack on Giants fan Bryan Stow outside Dodger stadium earlier this season. What’s the craziest thing you ever saw in the Dodgers-Giants rivalry and was there ever any place you didn’t feel safe as a player or analyst?

There was never a time when I didn’t feel safe as a player. And, I think that 99.9 percent of fans have never felt threatened during that rivalry… This is a time for all of Major League Baseball and its fans to rally around the Stow family. What happened was not only tragic and and a shame, but criminal, completely criminal.

In my playing days, the worst thing that anyone would have worried about was maybe having a beer dumped on them or an obscenity said toward them, but never any violence.

ESPN seems like a giant frat house? Is it really like that? How does it compare to, say, a Bowling Green (his alma mater) frat house?

Oh my gosh. ESPN is a very serious place. It’s not at all like a frat house. People there have their nose down and just grind it out to bring the best sports coverage possible on an event or broadcast. It certainly doesn’t remind me of sitting around the commons and talking with my friends. If anything, it’s more like sitting at the library grinding out and studying for an exam….

Contrast playing for (’99 Mets), and now working with, Bobby Valentine at ESPN. Do you ever wish an ump would come into the booth and run him from the game?

(Laughs) No. Never. I get along great with Bobby. He’s one of the most intelligent guys I’ve ever been around about baseball, actually about anything; he’s very smart. He challenges you and your brain. He’s not one to say just yes or no, or that something is a fact because someone said it. It makes him a great analyst.

Who cursed more: Bobby V or Tommy Lasorda?

Oh my gosh! I don’t know. I haven’t heard either of them curse in about five years.

Which current pitcher do you think has the best shot to break your consecutive scoreless innings streak?

Wow. Last year (Colorado’s) Ubaldo Jimenez was off and running at it, but he’s not doing as well this year. I guess, the guy who gets to 30 scoreless innings first is the favorite. Just to get to 30 to 35 innings is amazing; it’s four starts to get to 36 innings.

I thought it was the record that would never be broken when I broke it. Now that I have it, I am going to run with it, but I do hope someone has their day in sun; their chance to break it. When they do get close to it, I  want to be there. I think it’s good for baseball for old records to keep getting broken by modern-day players.

You are a very good poker player. Do you play while traveling with ESPN? Give us your best poker story.

I don’t play much during baseball season. I will not be in the World Series (of Poker) this year; I’ve just been real busy and too busy to commit to that. In the baseball off-season, I play a bit more. It’s fun and it’s an event that allows you to compete sitting down, which is a plus when you are older and your body breaks down (laughs).

As far as a good story, I don’t really have one other than to say it’s a much more difficult game than it looks. Poker is a mentally challenging game that involves strategy and concentration and thought. It’s a lot harder to compete in it and win than people might think just watching it.

The SUBWAY Baseball DeSIGNS tour will make stops across the country including Los Angeles, Phoenix, New York City and Williamsport, Pennsylvania at the Little League Baseball World Series. Go to to see baseballs and tour dates.

Filed under: Features