Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Busted Coverage: Booze, Ladies And Football: “More Tyler Seguin Shirtless Drunken Dancing & A New Tattoo [Photos]” plus 9 more

Busted Coverage: Booze, Ladies And Football: “More Tyler Seguin Shirtless Drunken Dancing & A New Tattoo [Photos]” plus 9 more

Link to Busted Coverage

More Tyler Seguin Shirtless Drunken Dancing & A New Tattoo [Photos]

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 09:53 AM PDT

Another day, another bar Bruins’ teen Tyler Seguin is destroying with his wingman Brad Marchand. Let us repeat, Seguin is 19! He now owns a Stanley Cup victory and is destroying the women of the Northeast with a trail of shirtless photos that are the hottest thing on the Internet this week. Today we find Segs and Marchand getting nuts at an undisclosed bar. We know these are new shots because Segs and March have matching tats and belts.

You might remember yesterday when we showed you these two going Chippendales at the MGM at Foxwoods. That post has sent Boston into a frenzy and currently has Busted Coverage on Boston.com.

The big news today is that Seguin now has the same Stanley Cup tat that Marchand had inked up on Friday. Also, the belts. Matching.

At this point we better start seeing these two sleeping with chicks because it’s getting a little too masculine for Boston bros on Twitter.

The shirtless pictures of Marchand and Seguin going around. They are jacked. Fanning myself. Oh my god.

Hotter than an Arizona wildfire, according to BC Photo Editor Big Gay Rich who has gotten very little sleep in the last 60 hours.

Anyway, take a look at the tat design that now resides on Seguins ribs and we’ll get back to searching the Internets to satiate your thirst for more Seguin. Stay tuned.

Filed under: Hockey

Hottest Wimbledon Tennis Player Whose Name You Cannot Pronounce [17 Photos]

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 09:13 AM PDT

These ladies in white always make Wimbledon one of the hottest sporting events of the summer. We feature some new comers, some regulars that you might have never heard of, and just overall fuzzy ball handler hotness. Come see the next ladies to make a Grand Slam in the hotness category. Today we tackle the “Hottest Wimbledon Tennis Player With A Name You Cannot Pronounce.” Meet Dominika Cibulkova.

Dominika Cibulkova
Years at Wimbledon: 3
Country: Slovakia
Birth Date: 6 May 1989
Birth Place: Bratislava, Slovakia
Residence: Bratislava, Slovakia
Height: 5 ft. 3 in.
Weight: 121 lbs.
Plays: Right
Turned Pro: 2004



Filed under: Other Sports

OchoCinco’s Space Watch & Gangsta Prince Harry [Daily WTF]

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 09:00 AM PDT

You have no idea how stuffed our email gets with random photos of ridiculous 'stuff' that really has no immediate home on Busted Coverage. The solution was to hire an editor who will bring you the best of the best from the inbox. Have a photo for this series? Send it in. If it makes the cut, it'll be published.

Email us.


Filed under: Daily WTF

Yankees Couple Fighting At Cubs Game Over Onions On Hot Dog [Video]

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 07:24 AM PDT

If our memory serves us right, it was Dan Shulman calling ESPN’s Cubs-Yankees Sunday Night Baseball and he said something about fans being very civil at Wrigley for this interleague showdown. Sorry bro, you couldn’t be more wrong. Taking a look at YouTube this morning there were at least 6 different incidents and one Yankees couple having a war over onions on a hot dog. Seriously. Watch as this chick goes slap and Drew Lachey drops the beotch bomb.

Posted: June 20, 2011

Premise of Video: We’ll call the drunk chick Tina. She’s had a few too many, has been screaming for her Yankees and the beer is starting to do the talking. Her partner, Drew, has had enough of her drunken stupidity. We think he’s pissed over her acting like a moron and putting onions on a hot dog. Something like that.

Climax of Video: Tina smacks Drew and he responds as any true Yankees fan should with a quick “Bitch!” comeback.

Conclusion: Who the hell is working that iPhone. Major kudos to you, sir. The zoom. The audio. The stability. Massive props.

Filed under: Video

N.H. Bro Busted For Dropping Deuce In Pool [Cuff 'Em]

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 06:39 AM PDT

‘Tis the season for Busted Coverage to move into the summer time activity arrest report realm. Football players are slowing down as training camp (allegedly) approaches. It’s time that we expand our Google News searches into the pool scene where there’s always an interesting character. Today we meet Jonathan Vertigans of Manchester, New Hampshire. He’s 27 and decided to go for a swim and drop a deuce is a pool. Why? No idea, just a good arrest story.

From the Nashua Telegraph:

Merrimack police said Jonathan Vertigans didn't just take an ill-advised dip in someone else's pool, but also left a disgusting gift behind for the owner.

Vertigans, 27, of 92 Walnut St., Manchester, turned himself in to Merrimack police Thursday on an arrest warrant for criminal mischief and criminal trespassing, police said.

Police were called to a home in the Crosswoods Path Development on June 14 after a homeowner described seeing a heavyset man in the backyard strip down to boxer shorts and jump in the swimming pool, police said.

The owner went outside after the man left and found that he had defecated in the pool, police said.

For those who want to give Jon a virtual high-five, we recommend his Facebook account. Also, kudos to the Telegraph reporter for that lede. Of course a guy wrote it. ‘Gift.’ Perfect use of the English language.

[Merrimack police charge man with using pool as commode]

Filed under: Cuff 'Em, Features

Yuengling Coming To Ohio & Shirtless Flyers’ Jeff Carter Creepin’ [Daily Dump]

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 05:27 AM PDT

College World Series Storm Clouds Look Kinda Intimidating [Morning Twitpics]

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 05:01 AM PDT

They had a slight situation last night at the College World Series in Omaha as wicked storm clouds straight out of Poltergeist rolled in. In case you haven’t heard, sideline reporter Jenn Brown is absolutely killing it in her new assignment as Erin Andrews’ replacement. More on that later. We’ll be screencapping the 11:06 resumption of the Florida-Vandy game that was stopped due to the storms.

Filed under: Baseball, NCAA

Playmates Lauren Anderson & Jaime Edmondson Talk Underboob Sweat [Burnt Toast]

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 04:07 AM PDT

Burnt Toast by @PeterBurnsRadio

The Greatest Tweets in the History of the Internet* (*In The Last 24 Hours)

Bahlin Out Ah Control 

@JessicaRedfield: Hockey players know how to party. Pictures of the #Bruins$156,679.74 bar tab. Getchyasum!!

Not a shocker, but the Bruins put the Mavericks bar tab to shame a few nights ago. It’s to be expected as there can be 20+ players on a NHL Roster, 15 on an NBA Roster. $300 dollars seems like a reasonable price for a bottle of Bacardi right? If there is one sport that I want to party with for a championship, it’s Hockey. They are nuts, and the chicks are crazy……crazy hot.

Burnt Toast Post Championship Party Sports Rankings:

  1. NHL. Toothless, already a few screws loose, and the hottest WAGS (Wives and Girlfriends). NHL takes the cake
  2. World Cup. You are a national hero, therefore you get to obtain the hottest of the hot in the country which is badass unless you live in Fiji
  3. MLB: Major League cleat chasers are epic. Lots of older married guys on the team as well. Still a hell of a hangover pending
  4. NBA: Small amount of guys, high profile ho’s, and rappers bound to follow. The Mavericks put on a clinic at Liv in Miami
  5. WNBA: Yep…You know, and I know why. C’mon……Two 5′s equal a 10 right?

@Coach_Leach: My book SWING YOUR SWORD comes out July 19. I’ll be back in Lubbock that day for a signing at Barnes & Noble 

  • Mike Leach………Check
  • A Book about Mike Leach……..Check
  • Pirate Reference in the Title…..Check
  • Weapon in the Book Title……..Check
  • Book Signing in front of his former employer’s face?……Check

@BillBarnwell: Chelsea to pay $21.3M for new manager. Is there a MGR/HC in American sports worth that?

Are you kidding me? $21.3 Million for a SOCCER COACH? What the Hell? How much coaching does a soccer coach really coach? He might make 3 or 4 decisions a match…..at most. What a joke. Bill Belichick, Gregg Popovich, and Nick Saban are the best coaches of our day, and they decisions 10x more valuable and day to day than a soccer coach. Get real futbol.

@Reggie_Bush: Ok guys I’m here sitting next to the phone waiting to take your calls. The phone number is (502) 905-2525. Lets get this thing rolling!!!!

Just thought about how sad this really was. One of the greatest collegiate athletes the game has ever witnessed, and the only things I would want to ask him are about his cheating allegations, and if he ever saw the Ray-J Tape. Sad that see it over and over again in sports.

@EvanSilva: Per source, Florida RB Jeff Demps scored a 5 on the Wonderlic. Florida WR Chris Rainey got a 6

S….E….C!!! S….E….C!!!!!! If true, how the hell is that even possible, I’m pretty sure you score a 8 on the Wonderlic just for not attempting to eat the test itself. Ahh…Florida, don’t ever change.

@BlkSportsOnline: Carmelo Anthony & Dwyane Wade Attend Fashion Week in Milan 

Not sure where to start with this one. The fact that Dwayne Wade is at Fashion Week, while Dallas is celebrating their championship, or it comes from BlackSportsOnline.com. (Which I find to be an enjoyable site) It begs the question, how quick would my WhiteSportsOnline.com get shut down. 72 Hours Max?

Step 1 – The Meltdown

@BrendanPurty: Uh, so on his Facebook wall Kenny Britt just posted: “Retiring from the NFL. F*** You Goddell.” So there is that.

Step 2 – The Quick 180

@BrendanPurty: Kenny Britt FBook take back: Change of HEart.. My family is always here for me. I made mistakes and i am sorry i am going to change and become a better person and mentor for all my young fans.. I will accept any penalty like a man..The road beings Sept 11 in Jacksonville.. ill be ready!!! … Looks like his reps got him on the phone real quick.

Step 3 – The Coverup

@BrendanPurty: Original “retirement” post on Britt’s Facebook wall has been deleted, replaced by his recant one. That was a fun 25 minutes.

Step 4 – The Old Faithful Excuse

@BrendanPurty: Now Britt just posted: my fbook was hacked with those past 2 status’s.. i am not retiring and do not have any hate toward the commissioner.

Hey Kenny Britt. The only thing worse than being a spoiled brat on Facebook, is trying to cover up for being one. Unreal.

Tweet of the Day That Would Be Disgusting If It Didn’t Come From a Smoking Hot Chick

@LaurenAnderson_ : Um @jaimeedmondson just reached under her shirt, felt herself up then wiped her under boob sweat on me… Ewww or woohoooo?!

I’m in.

Filed under: Features

Jimmer Fredette’s Girlfriend Whitney Wonnacott Preps For NBA Draft [Photos]

Posted: 20 Jun 2011 04:30 PM PDT

The biggest day in the life of Jimmer Fredette’s girlfriend, Whitney Wonnacott, is just 3 days away when her boyfriend and future meal ticket is expected to be a lottery pick in the NBA Draft. We’ve been tracking Whitney’s tweets as she gets manicured & pedicured for the moment when ESPN cameras catch her balling over news that Jimmer has just made her a multi-millionaire WAG.

You just knew BYU point guard Jimmer Fredette had to have some hot, wholesome, girl-next-door type as a girlfriend (either that or Aryan) and you were right.

Wonnacott is from the Denver area, went to Chatfield High School and majors in broadcast journalism at BYU (surprise!). Did we mention she was a BYU cheerleader? Who wants to bet she wants to be the next Erin Andrews? C’mon. Any takers?

Wonnacott also thinks Ryan Reynolds is hot, Dwayne Wade has great teeth and she cries easily.

Be sure to check out the gallery for the shot of cute little Jimmer asleep in Whitney’s lap.

[Whitney Wonnacott - Twitter]

Filed under: NCAA

Alison Haislip in Esquire & Heidi Montag Makes A Return [Afternoon Dump]

Posted: 20 Jun 2011 02:30 PM PDT